Monday 14 December 2009

Objection Document Submited - 11th December 2009

The consultation period has now closed (11th December 2009) for this stage of Norfolk County Council Minerals and Waste Development Framework

A 46 page document objecting to the proposed Quarry and Landfill in Marlingford, was presented to Norfolk County Council on Friday 11th December 2009. A full copy is available to read on the Stop Marlingford quarry web site. All we can do now is to wait and see if common sense prevails and the Marlingford proposal is removed from the ‘Acceptable’ category. We should know this in the Spring / Summer of 2010.

Stop Marlingford Quarry Action Group are committed to winning the case against this proposed development and we will continue to build on our evidence. Rest assured if the Marlingford MIN 54 and WAS 71 proposals remain on the list for the next consultation stage, we will be here as rigorous as ever, to continue with our campaign to stop this ridiculous proposal.

Keep looking on this blog and on the web site for the latest news – and of course please continue to leave your comments.

For all those who have submitted their own personal objections, by email, letters or on-line submission. From the Stop Marlingford Quarry Action Group Committee, a very big thank you.

Monday 7 December 2009

Meetings-Television-Web Sites

There has been so much happening with the Stop Marlingford Quarry campaign; and little time to update this blog. Thank you for all of your comments, although I do think some unfortunately have become a little too personal and could be considered offensive. We really want to fight and win this campaign on planning grounds and by virtue of the fact that we have carried out more work than the Norfolk County Council and proving that they are so wrong in proceeding with this offensive proposal.

A very successful public meeting was held in the Marlingford Village Hall on Monday 23rd November organised by Julian Blackmore, Chairman of Marlingford & Colton Parish Council. The meeting was attended by 85 people drawn from Marlingford and the surrounding villages. It was chaired by our local MP Richard Bacon, and the speakers were: Nick Johnson, Planning and Transport, Norfolk County Council; Steve Dorrington, Norfolk County Councillor; Julian Blackmore and Joe Pattinson for the Action Group Committee.

TV Coverage – The campaign was featured on BBC Look East and ITV Anglia News – It is interesting to note that both of our regional television channels thought it sufficiently newsworthy, contrary to the apparent views of our local press. The Eastern Daily Press (Archant Group) have chosen to ignore the numerous Press Releases sent to them.
So for those who would have liked to have read about this in the local press here are the TV links

The Stop Marlingford Quarry web site has been updated with lots of pictures to show the proposed quarry and the beautiful surrounding area. There is also a guide for making your online submission,
If you have not done so, please make your submission, write your letters and emails –
You have until the 11th December – It’s is at the end of the week – please help to stop the offensive development.

Richard Bacon MP for South Norfolk, has taken up case as you can see from his web site. This follows the Public Meeting and his visit to the proposed site. Link below.

Thanks to Jamie Whiting and Alex Morris - We now have Facebook support see :-