Sunday 22 November 2009

Update - Lots happening - Television Coverage, Public Meeting, Protest Letters

It has been a few days since I last updated this blog and quite a lot has been happening.

• Details of the Marlingford Quarry proposals and reasons for objecting, together with a contact list for sending protest letters has been printed and circulated to all residents of Marlingford. Please write independently to as many people from the list as you can.

• The Parish Council has organised a Public Meeting for Monday evening 23 November at 7:30pm in the Village Hall. Richard Bacon MP, together with various council officials, will be in attendance.
If you want to help and stop this dreadful development please try to attend

The BBC Look East have been filming in the village and the at the proposed quarry site. We are hoping that this will be shown on BBC Breakfast on Monday morning 23 November.

Monday 16 November 2009

Lomes Estate Comments on NCC Website

It is interesting to see the inept comments made by the Lomes Estate on the quarry development and the robust response of the Marlingford and Colton Parish Council. Click below and see for yourself

It’s a little reassuring to see that the Lomes Estate have seen what a ridiculous idea using a route across the Yare Valley was, however it still means transport to and from the site will still be through narrow country lanes – There is still an estimate of a 120 HGV movements per day !!! – see below

MINERALS SITE ALLOCATIONS ISSUES AND OPTIONS DOCUMENT - MIN 54 - Marlingford and Colton – Other Comments from English Heritage and Environmental Agency

Register today on the NCC site and beore the Consultation Period ends on the 11th December 2009 - Submit your own objections. 
Follow this link to register and leave objections

Friday 13 November 2009

Marlingford Against the Yare Valley Quarrying Action Group

A meeting was held in Marlingford Village Hall last evening (12/11/2009) to debate the proposed gravel extraction quarry and land fill development in Marlingford. The meeting drew a large number of people from Marlingford and surrounding villages. The proposal was debated at length and without exception everyone expressed their concerns and disgust at this horrendous proposal and the impact the development would have on Marlingford and the surrounding communities.
An Action Group Committee of 8 was formed comprising of Jane Knights (Chair), Joe Pattinson, Trevis Chiles, Mary Wyndham, Charles Brearley, Kate Broom, John Bailey and Carol Chiles (Treasurer )
The committee will develop an action plan based a strategy of individually sent protest letters and emails, also including various forms of action group lobbing to all relevant authorities, agencies and landowners. Details of the plan will be posted on this site soon.
The committee suggested a campaign fund be started to cover expenses. All attendees gave very generously. Thank you very much for making your contributions, rest assured it will be spend wisely and frugally.
A new web site linked to here will be developed shortly for pictures, letters and contact names.

Please keep your comments coming, even if you don’t live in the village but can appreciate the devastating effect a development of this nature can cause, please help by leaving a comment. Every comment made will help to demonstrate the strength of feeling and level of disgust to the proposers and authorities responsible for this horrendous development

Thursday 12 November 2009

Comments from Parish Council Meeting 10/11/09

Comments on the discussions at the recent Colton and Marlingford Parish Council meeting 10th November 2009.
The Chairman said that he was advised that Sand & Gravel extraction proposals were no more than a ‘Wish-list’ of sites at this stage and are to be considered for formal planning approval at a meeting within council on the 10th December 2009. Think about this statement –
a. The Norfolk County Council’s Document ‘Norfolk Minerals and Waste Development Framework’ October 2009, is a very detailed and lengthy tome and clearly very expensive just to produce a ‘Wish-List’.
b. The sites are categorised under three headings. Acceptable, Unacceptable and Potentially Acceptable. The Marlingford site comes under the Acceptable category. The definition given for Acceptable within the NCC document is “Sites which are considered appropriate for development are those which meet the requirements of national, regional and emerging local planning policies (Core Preferred Options DPD) and, subject to appropriate planning controls, can therefore be developed in a manner which does not involve unacceptable environmental, social and/or economic impacts” - Make what you will of that statement, it sounds to me that the decision about the Marlingford site has already been made! A wish list?
c. The Norfolk County Council’s Document ‘Norfolk Minerals and Waste Development Framework’ has been produced to meet the needs of a Government dictate that Norfolk is to accommodate 78,700 homes by 2021. There is going to be an awful lot of pressure on the county’s planning authorities to approve these sites, and satisfy their Generals in Westminster.
d. Under details laid out for Marlingford (Site Ref MIN54) it states under Highways Agency – Although the site MIN54 is relatively large (understatement) NCC state that there is an option proposed in the submission (Submission given as The Lombe Estate!) to create a haulage road across the Yare Valley to the undesignated C168 Mill Road to the B1108 Watton Road. –What cretin came up with this idea? – Imagine a a heavy haulage vehicle every 6-7 minutes first crossing the Bawburgh Road, then across the beautiful Yare Valley onto the narrow Mill Road and Bow Hill to the Watton Road. My answer is - someone who puts financial gain against the social needs and environmental concerns of the Marlingford community.
This is our community and we are proud and privileged to live a beautiful area like ours. We must do everything to protect this and not be overwhelmed by the greed and politics of the authorities and others.

Wednesday 11 November 2009

Marlingford Sand and Gravel Extraction proposals

The UK Government’s East of England Plan requires Norfolk to build a minimum of 78,700 new homes by 2021. 44.7 million tonnes of sand and gravel will be required for the building and infrastructure of these homes. The existing quarries cannot meet this demand, an extra 29 million tonnes needs to be sourced. It is Norfolk CC policy to limit transportation to 30 mile radius of the source. This means all sand and gravel will be quarried from areas around Norfolk.
A total of 84 sand and gravel sites have been identified in the county, 42 are considered Unacceptable, 26 are considered Acceptable, with a further 16 identified as Potentially Acceptable. The 26 sand and gravel sites indentified as acceptable are estimated to contain 24,385,000 tonnes of sand and gravel, shortfall of over 3.5 million tonnes.
One of the Acceptable sites is the area of Marlingford, on land just to the north of the Bawburgh Road. It is huge covering an area of 20.6 hectares with an estimated reserve 735,000 tonnes. The proposals are for Sand and Gravel extraction, Sand and Gravel processing plant and a concrete batching plant.
It has been reported that there will be lorry movements to and from the site every 6 minutes, 7 days a week 52 weeks a year.
Notwithstanding the enormous impact on the natural habitat of the area, the continuous noise from industrial plant and high increase volume of heavy traffic through our beautiful surroundings is TOTALLY UNACCEPTABLE.
Please make your comments and help support the STOP Marlingford Quarry Action Group.
The first meeting will be held on Thursday night (12th) at 7.30pm in the Village Hall. Please try to attend.