Thursday 12 November 2009

Comments from Parish Council Meeting 10/11/09

Comments on the discussions at the recent Colton and Marlingford Parish Council meeting 10th November 2009.
The Chairman said that he was advised that Sand & Gravel extraction proposals were no more than a ‘Wish-list’ of sites at this stage and are to be considered for formal planning approval at a meeting within council on the 10th December 2009. Think about this statement –
a. The Norfolk County Council’s Document ‘Norfolk Minerals and Waste Development Framework’ October 2009, is a very detailed and lengthy tome and clearly very expensive just to produce a ‘Wish-List’.
b. The sites are categorised under three headings. Acceptable, Unacceptable and Potentially Acceptable. The Marlingford site comes under the Acceptable category. The definition given for Acceptable within the NCC document is “Sites which are considered appropriate for development are those which meet the requirements of national, regional and emerging local planning policies (Core Preferred Options DPD) and, subject to appropriate planning controls, can therefore be developed in a manner which does not involve unacceptable environmental, social and/or economic impacts” - Make what you will of that statement, it sounds to me that the decision about the Marlingford site has already been made! A wish list?
c. The Norfolk County Council’s Document ‘Norfolk Minerals and Waste Development Framework’ has been produced to meet the needs of a Government dictate that Norfolk is to accommodate 78,700 homes by 2021. There is going to be an awful lot of pressure on the county’s planning authorities to approve these sites, and satisfy their Generals in Westminster.
d. Under details laid out for Marlingford (Site Ref MIN54) it states under Highways Agency – Although the site MIN54 is relatively large (understatement) NCC state that there is an option proposed in the submission (Submission given as The Lombe Estate!) to create a haulage road across the Yare Valley to the undesignated C168 Mill Road to the B1108 Watton Road. –What cretin came up with this idea? – Imagine a a heavy haulage vehicle every 6-7 minutes first crossing the Bawburgh Road, then across the beautiful Yare Valley onto the narrow Mill Road and Bow Hill to the Watton Road. My answer is - someone who puts financial gain against the social needs and environmental concerns of the Marlingford community.
This is our community and we are proud and privileged to live a beautiful area like ours. We must do everything to protect this and not be overwhelmed by the greed and politics of the authorities and others.


  1. At this very moment (13.35-12/11/09) two diggers &one bulldozer are excavating "scrapes" on the flood plain behind Mill Rd, the noise of this operation will give residents just a small taste of what can be expected if this quarry gets the O.K

  2. Referring to 'The Old Bailey' comment, I was thinking only the same thing a few moments ago as I was walking with my dog on the field adjacent to the proposed quarry site. The sound from one digger alone is disruptful enough to this tranquil village, just think what it would be like if the quarry does get the go ahead.

  3. Eric Neale
    We and our immediate neighbours are the located on Bawburgh Road directly opposite the most southerly point on the proposed extraction site boundary, a distance of some 125/130mtrs.Given we can hear traffic on the southern bypass, easily hear loudspeaker announcements/music on the showground site, we cannot imagine how horrendous it will be to have this industrial activity on our doorstep. We are mortified at the thought of it.
    Other issues such as underground vibration, changes to the subterranean water flows, increased traffic movements etc. are contained in my letter of complaint to the perpetrators of this proposal.

  4. I live in Easton, on the Dereham Rd near the ringland roundabout, I just can`t imagine what it would be like to live here or anywhere along the Dereham Rd,Marlingford Rd or Bawbourgh Rd for that matter with 120 40 tonne trucks charging through a day, because lets be honest the trucks won`t always be able to get out onto the A47 via the Ringland roundabout as proposed, this looks to be a serious infrustructure problem as well, simmilar to that of the Food Hub. A very concerned Easton resident

  5. Thank you for bringing this to my attention through the Grapevine magazine. I am a concerned Easton resident who doesn't want any more noise/traffic anywhere near the village. I think there's already enough traffic speeding when it shouldn't be (buses and test drives from the BMW garage - both of which I've complained about).
    What on earth will this quarry do to the wildlife? We need a full investigation to stop damage to our little corner of beautiful Norfolk.
