Friday 13 November 2009

Marlingford Against the Yare Valley Quarrying Action Group

A meeting was held in Marlingford Village Hall last evening (12/11/2009) to debate the proposed gravel extraction quarry and land fill development in Marlingford. The meeting drew a large number of people from Marlingford and surrounding villages. The proposal was debated at length and without exception everyone expressed their concerns and disgust at this horrendous proposal and the impact the development would have on Marlingford and the surrounding communities.
An Action Group Committee of 8 was formed comprising of Jane Knights (Chair), Joe Pattinson, Trevis Chiles, Mary Wyndham, Charles Brearley, Kate Broom, John Bailey and Carol Chiles (Treasurer )
The committee will develop an action plan based a strategy of individually sent protest letters and emails, also including various forms of action group lobbing to all relevant authorities, agencies and landowners. Details of the plan will be posted on this site soon.
The committee suggested a campaign fund be started to cover expenses. All attendees gave very generously. Thank you very much for making your contributions, rest assured it will be spend wisely and frugally.
A new web site linked to here will be developed shortly for pictures, letters and contact names.

Please keep your comments coming, even if you don’t live in the village but can appreciate the devastating effect a development of this nature can cause, please help by leaving a comment. Every comment made will help to demonstrate the strength of feeling and level of disgust to the proposers and authorities responsible for this horrendous development


  1. Although I live on the South Coast, I have spent meny happy days over the last few years, staying with relatives who live in Marlingford. The area is of oustanding beauty, and to think of it being decimated by the present proposals for gravel extracion, and finally for landfill beggars belief. Perhaps the people trying to organise this, would like to take up residence in the middle of the site. The overall governing of this country is an absloute shambles.

  2. As a frequent visitor to Marlingford, I am horrified to read of the proposed development there, not to mention plans to use the site for landfill after the gravel extraction. How many times do we hear our beautiful countryside is being raped and torn apart by these money grabbers. Please stop these fields being used for this apalling purpose.

  3. How can we let this happen my husband and lots of friends love to cycle from our home in little melton to Marlingford as they are quite and not to busy country lanes yes country lanes not suitable for heavy lorries, we have to dodge the cars that use this as a rat run let alone heavy trucks ,the Loames Estate must have other sites they can use think again

  4. Although not a resident of Marlingford, I drive through the village and along towards Bawburgh several days a week on my way to work. I beleive I enjoy one of the best commutes in the county; quiet lanes and an abundance of wildlife (browsing deer, owls, hedgehogs etc). What will become of this wonderful valley should the quarry go ahead? Ruination!

  5. It'll be a real shame if the area is spoilt by a quarry. Instead of building new houses, there should be more effort in regenerating run down urban areas. This would cause less new houses needing to be built in the countryside and no need for quarries in rural areas.

    Lindsey, Bawburgh

  6. Although not a resident of Marlingford I live in nearby Bawburgh and fear for the effect it could have on the local ecology - particularly to an increased risk of flooding.

  7. I am horrified to learn of the planned destruction of this beautiful area of countryside - let alone the potential impact of pollution, traffic, and an increase in flooding risk in a area that already floods regularly.

    this area is a wonderful habitat to a variety of wildlife - I cant believe that they're proposing it's destruction (& just after we've got over the electricity substation plans too!)

    good luck to you all
    Kirsty, Barford
